Sunday, July 10, 2011

Kinderart, where they start their journey of art.

A new start of a shop...

Signboard was designed for Kinderart.

Logos for one of their products.

Vouchers and posters for the company..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


What would you do when you like a particular song?
I'll close my eyes while I listen to it. Sometimes images will just appear and I'll just sketch it down.

Eventually, I'll colour it and make it into a gift to my friends. :)

Brochure Design

This brochure is designed for a music school named 'Intune Music School'
I was actually stoning in Mcdonald's, with my pencil on the paper, and the design just came out like 'ta dang~'. HAHA

Monday, January 10, 2011

过路街景 MV

One day, my friend held a concert and wanted a animation backdrop while she sings her song.

Its a very dreamy, blues kind of song.
So I used the concept from a popular artist, Jimmy, from Taiwan.
I used Adobe Flash for this MV.
Its an original song written by my friend, so for copyright purpose, i can only show the screen captures of the MV and not the whole video. :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My FYP..

FYP project for my Diploma.
It's a music video, and it's actually an individual project where I did almost everything on my own (i.e pre, production and post).
It's about an artiste who hates his mother for being a cleaner in his company. He had an illness, and regretted his action, but realized that it was too late.

Software used: Pro tools (music), Final Cut Pro (editing), Photoshop (Poster)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Simple Design

A simple design for a friend as a gift.

Poster Design

Designed this poster for a mini concert organized by Intune Music School.
It's a concert by a group of young performers who called themselves 'Breads and Biscuits'. :P

A concert poster for Intune Music School!

CD Design

A CD Album design for a friend's Birthday Present...
It was actually two different poses of the same person. They are not a twin! :)

Tee Shirt Design

Tee Shirt design for Intune Music School.
The yellow tie and pocket was actually printed on the shirt. :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Deep Blue Sea Animation

I went Shenyang, China, for Overseas attachment during my polytechnic.
I was working at a company name 'Deep Blue Sea' and i helped out in one of their animations.
Above are some short animation i did for them. (i combined all of them into one video) :)